(SER-TN-001) Tennessee Wing HQ
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The nation-wide CAP communication system has approximately 1,000 high-frequency radio stations, 5,000 fixed-land radio stations and 10,000 mobile radios, deployed in CAP units in every state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.  Using volunteer operators trained to professional standards, the CAP communications network is a ready force for homeland security and the protection of life and property.


CAP provides Air and Ground assistance to Civil Authorities, including airborne imagery and communications support for counterdrug, homeland security, and disaster relief operations, as well as support to Military Commanders, including low level surveys and range support. 


CAP's Arlington observances include wreath-laying ceremony at the CAP Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Women in Military Service as part of the annual Wreaths Across America remembrance.

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